- A family where someone is home during the day to take care of Petey. Petey does not like to be alone, he is just a puppy. He will cry to be with someone or another furry friend (cat, dog). Therefore, a stay at home person or someone that is retired is the best home for Petey. That said, Petey does sleep well in his crate at night & doesn't fuss much unless he has to go potty... that's how you know he has to go because he'll wake up in the morning around 7am to go outside.
- A family that understands that puppies need special TLC. This puppy has already been through a lot in his little life. Petey's forever family must be patient, kind & full of appreciation for the love that Petey gives. We think he is a really special boy & we're hoping to find a forever family that will think that of Petey, too!
- A family that will walk him & play with him & spend lots of time with him. He needs more care than a dog because he is still a puppy who needs to have his forever family's training imprinted upon him. While he is pretty good with his housetraining & knows to go to the door or cry when he is in his crate, he still needs guidance & a careful nuturing parent(s) to help him finish off his housetraining.
- A family that has either a completely fenced in yard or will commit to walking him regularly since he is just a puppy & needs to have his housetraining reinforced. Electric fences are not fences that truly contain a dog... we have found that most dogs behind electric fences will take a "hit" & keep running... especially spunky ones.
- A family that will take excellent care of him through regular annual veterinarian exams & recognizing any signs of illness/disease & bringing him in for any medical attention he may need.
- A family that will make a commitment to Petey to be his family for the rest of his life. We are looking for stability for Petey as he is not a throw away puppy. He needs to know that the family is his until his last breath because he deserves that. He is one of a kind!!!
If you can make these commitments to Petey, please email us for an adoption application. We require veterinarian references and we will do a home visit for potential adopting families with Petey so that he can meet all the family members in the household & everyone can make sure it's a perfect match.
Petey is a very special, outgoing, loveable & funny puppy... he loves all dogs, children & other pets & he is spunky & full of zest for life. Petey is approximately 16 pounds but a growing baby boy & we estimate that he will get to be about 25 pounds when he is full grown. He loves to eat, loves snacks & tries very hard to please you. He is athletic & hardly ever overexerts himself when he plays. He would really love to belong to a family where he could sleep in a warm bed when he is 100% housetrained & maybe have a furry companion to keep him company when his family is away. He is truly a happy boy & while we will miss him horribly when he goes home, we are so excited for his promising future... he will make a wonderful addition to his new forever family's home!!!
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